Below, you will find a list of all the posts related to Pierce D in our school from infants to sixth class.
Below, you will find a list of all the posts related to Pierce D in our school from infants to sixth class.

Christmas Shoebox Appeal

Posted by Ms. McDonald On November - 16 - 2017

“It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving”  Mother Teresa

We were delighted to be part of the Christmas Shoebox Appeal this year here in Gortskehy N.S.. Thanks to all the parents who put together Shoebox parcels for Team Hope with their children. It is such a worthy cause and Team Hope brings so much joy to so many children at Christmas time. This year Team Hope shoeboxes from Ireland will go to street children, orphans, children in hospital, poor families, victims of war or other needy situations in some African countries, Eastern Europe and former Soviet Union.  Thanks to Veronica for distributing the pamphlets and collecting the shoeboxes from the school. As you can see from the happy faces in the photo above, the children found it very rewarding ‘giving’ the gift of a shoebox.

Thank You.

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Rang 6 (2017/18)

Posted by Eoin On October - 24 - 2017

Sixth class (2017/18)

Sixth Class (2017/18)
(F) Gerard, Orlaith, Sian, Daniel (B) Conor, Eoin, Pierce

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Video: Space balloon flight

Posted by Máistir Ó Beirn On July - 12 - 2017

Here is a video of our space balloon flight which was launched on Thursday, June 22nd, 2017 from Frank and Mary Clarke’s farm. It reached an altitude of 28km. There are five layers to our atmosphere – Troposphere (up to 20km high), Stratosphere (20-50km), Mesosphere (50-85km), Thermosphere (85-600km), Exosphere (600-10,000km). Our balloon reached the Stratosphere.

Around 20km high ice-crystals are visible and the temperature drops to -51°C. In the Stratosphere the temperature actually increased with altitude to -40°C  as ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is absorbed by the ozone layer. Had our balloon reached the top of the stratosphere the temperature would have risen to about -15°C  before falling sharply again in the Mesosphere. It landed 125km away between Castlepollard and Athboy on the farm of Eamon and Margureite Kelly.

Thanks to Frank and Mary Clarke, our sponsors CMS Distribution and DeCare Dental and chase car drivers Mary Lydon, Jan Wilkins and Angela Walshe.

The video of the flight is 360° so view it fullscreen to pan around. Control the 360 degree fullscreen video on your phone or tablet by moving your device.  To view it on a VR headset visit or search for “Gortskehy in Space” using your VR YouTube app.


3D Flight Path
3D prediction of the flight path.
Some of the towns the balloon flew over.
Some of the towns the balloon flew over.

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McCartan Cup 2017

Posted by Máistir Ó Beirn On June - 28 - 2017

Congratulations to the combined team of Cloghans Hill, Gortskehy, Lehinch and Robeen on winning the McCartan Cup this month. It was great to welcome the cup back to Gortskehy after so many years. Special thanks to Pat Hession and Brendan Murphy for their role in preparing the team.

McCartan Cup 2017

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My trip to Portugal

Posted by Pierce On May - 9 - 2017

There were five people in my host family and six people including me. When I came in they were all there and they had a glass of milk for me and some cookies. They had two dogs and a cat. The cat’s name was Chef. They had one daughter  and they had a son. The mother’s name was Isabel and she was an English teacher. The dad was a teacher as well.  I enjoyed bringing the dogs for a walk. I had lots of fun and enjoyed staying with them.

At the school we did lots of things such as workshops, Lego Mindstorms, baking lemon cookies and we made a rocket out of a bottle. We also made a satellite, a photo frame and we met the mayor. We also went to the salt mines with the school, took part on a fitness walk, swimming and lots more. We went to a science museum in Lisbon and we also went baking. On one of the evenings we had a stargazing party for around an hour. We also went to the beach and and played football. We visited a factory that produces lettuce and melons. We saw huge churches and we saw the tomb of the unknown soldier from World War 1. When we were in the science museum most of us went on a bike 18 metres from the ground and cycled over a net. The school was really big. On the last night we had to show a short film to present our school and then we sang a song in Irish, played the tin whistle and Orlaith did some Irish dancing. I had lots of fun in Portugal. I had a great experience and I had lots of fun. 

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