Seo é mo dhán Gaeilge ‘Am Earraigh i Mhaigh Eo’.
Scríobh mé an dán do Sheachtain na Gaeilge!
Easter holidays Monday 14th April to Friday 25th April inclusive...
This is a story trí Ghaeilge of life in Agrabah, a land ruled by a feared Sultan, anxious to have his daughter Jasmine married. His chief advisor Jafar is tasked with finding a suitable prince. Scene 1 features local stall traders, princess Jasmine, Aladdin, who is wanted for stealing, and the palace guards. Scene 2 reveals a very demanding princess Jasmine, her ladies-in-waiting, the Sultan, queen and advisor Jafar. Scene 3 shows Aladdin in prison where the Genie also makes an appearance. The final scene has a little surprise and reveals our happy ending.
The children will perform the play in Castlebar on February 13th as part of Féile Scoildrámaíocht Mhaigh Eo.
Senior Room Christmas Play 2017
Sincere thanks to @GarrymoreGAA for the use of the hall and to everyone who donated prizes for the raffle and supported us on the night.
Well done to all the teachers and pupils from Gortskehy on your Christmas play. A great night. And not forgetting Santa and Rudolf.