Gortskehy Radio Takeover

Posted by Ms. Thomas On February - 28 - 2021

@Claremorris946 @jojo_hynes @creativeirl @artscouncil_ie

“For the next hour, we advise the whole country move to level Gortskehy”

As part of our Creative Schools initiative 3rd and 4th class were presented with the opportunity of creating a radio show. We worked very hard with Jojo Hynes, our creative associate and Claremorris Community Radio. We started by brainstorming ideas and began the creative process of putting radio pieces together. We learned how to make radio reports, how to present items for radio and how to structure an hour of radio. We covered everything from the news and weather to farming to the sports desk and everything else in between. We also included some seasonal pieces as it was being aired on Christmas Day 2020.

We would like to thank Jojo Hynes and Claremorris Community Radio for giving us the opportunity of a lifetime. We had great fun putting this together and we hope you enjoy ‘Gortskehy Radio’ as created by 3rd and 4th Class. We definitely have a few budding radio stars in our midst here in Gortskehy National School.

Gortskehy on Claremorris Community Radio 94.6 FM.

Gortskehy on Claremorris Community Radio 94.6 FM.

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    Covid-19 lockdown and back to school

    Posted by Alyssa On October - 23 - 2020

    It first started in China and went all over the place. That’s the covid-19 virus. Then it got to Ireland and the teachers told us we had two weeks off. Everybody was so happy. After all the excitement they told us we had homework. The class went silent. After telling us to get our books, for maybe a week we did not have homework and then for a few months we had Zoom and my favourite bit was when we had history. I would listen and take notes and in my spare time and I would play on my nintendo d.s.

    One time I missed Zoom and I joined 6th class by accident. It was kind of funny because I had no clue what they were talking about. After all of the summer holidays we got a new paddling pool and we took down our old swings and put up a new one. Our summer holidays flew past and it was September before we knew it. Then we went back to school and I got to see my friends again.      

    my skeleton artmy Halloween art

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    Back To School 2020

    Posted by Ben On October - 23 - 2020

    The good thing about being back at school is that we get to use the new pitch and we have more places to have fun. That’s because we are in Garrymore hall for a few months. If it’s raining outside we can play basketball indoors and now with COVID -19 even if it’s raining a little we go out for some fresh air. It is also nice that we can see our friends again. It’s better to be back at school instead of doing nothing. 

    My Autumn Art              My Halloween Sugar Skull Art            Ben's skeleton


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    Back To School After Lockdown

    Posted by Seán On October - 23 - 2020

    In quarantine there was nothing to do.  I was just playing football and playing my Xbox. When I left school I brought all my books and I was tired of the work at home. So my mother let me stop doing it.

    I got an email from school because I was watching my mother’s phone. The message was from my teacher so I gave it to my mother and she read it. She said there would be online school using Zoom.  It was alright but my internet was bad so it wasn’t that good for me. It was to chat will all the 5th class boys in the breakout rooms. It was every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

    We finished Zoom for the summer and it zoomed by! Before we knew it we were going back to school. We are now in school in Garrymore Hall because a new classroom is being built in Gortskehy. It’s great to see all my friends and playing on the astroturf is great.

    My Autumn TreeSeán's SkullSeán's Skeleton

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    Back to School 2020

    Posted by Isabel On October - 23 - 2020

    I like being back at school because it brings some normality into the world. We also have class at Garrymore hall while the new classroom is being built in Gortskehy. This is good because we have the astroturf and when it’s raining we can play basketball. I like being back as well because I get to see all my friends after six long months of not seeing them. We also get to enjoy art like Halloween art, sugar skulls, skeletons and poems.

    We drew illusions and also learned about different countries. We get to go on the chromebooks and do fun activities. We are also starting  back ukulele which is great fun. We also have two new teachers at the school Ms. McNieve and Ms. Connolly. It’s nearly Halloween so we are all excited and we are dressing up on Friday. Of course we are still social distancing and sanitising our hands. Hopefully we all stay safe.

    My skeleton art My autumn art Isabel's sugar skull

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