Video: Space balloon flight

Posted by Máistir Ó Beirn On July - 12 - 2017

Here is a video of our space balloon flight which was launched on Thursday, June 22nd, 2017 from Frank and Mary Clarke’s farm. It reached an altitude of 28km. There are five layers to our atmosphere – Troposphere (up to 20km high), Stratosphere (20-50km), Mesosphere (50-85km), Thermosphere (85-600km), Exosphere (600-10,000km). Our balloon reached the Stratosphere.

Around 20km high ice-crystals are visible and the temperature drops to -51°C. In the Stratosphere the temperature actually increased with altitude to -40°C  as ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is absorbed by the ozone layer. Had our balloon reached the top of the stratosphere the temperature would have risen to about -15°C  before falling sharply again in the Mesosphere. It landed 125km away between Castlepollard and Athboy on the farm of Eamon and Margureite Kelly.

Thanks to Frank and Mary Clarke, our sponsors CMS Distribution and DeCare Dental and chase car drivers Mary Lydon, Jan Wilkins and Angela Walshe.

The video of the flight is 360° so view it fullscreen to pan around. Control the 360 degree fullscreen video on your phone or tablet by moving your device.  To view it on a VR headset visit or search for “Gortskehy in Space” using your VR YouTube app.


3D Flight Path
3D prediction of the flight path.
Some of the towns the balloon flew over.
Some of the towns the balloon flew over.

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Science Week

Posted by Ms. Thomas On November - 18 - 2016

We celebrated science week in the middle room with some exciting experiments!

We created a rainbow using skittles and warm water. We put the skittles on a plate in different shapes, then we poured some warm water in the middle and watched as the colour slowly started to run from the skittles, creating a rainbow. We even created a Mayo-themed rainbow!

First we put the skittles on a plate. .





The warm water created a rainbow when the colours ran.

A mayo themed rainbow!

On Thursday we had fun with another interesting experiment. We created a volcano using bread soda and vinegar. We put some bread soda in a bottle and then added vinegar and watched as our volcano erupted! We learned that a chemical reaction between the the vinegar and bread soda caused the eruption.

Volcano Eruption! Volcano Eruption


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How we made our @missionv 3D virtual world

Posted by Justin On December - 6 - 2011

missionv This is a video on how we made our MissionV world.  We used Imprudence, Scratch for OpenSim, Audacity, IrfanView, Google Images, Microsoft Publisher and Diane used Adobe Photoshop.

We would like to thank Lisa and Aishling, transition year students, for their help in making this video and the screencast.


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Screencast of our MissionV exhibit

Posted by Amy On November - 29 - 2011

We invited a student on work experience in our school to visit our MissionV world.  She took a screencast of her tour.  We added music and some text.  Here it is . . .


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InTouch magazine features our school project

Posted by Nicola On September - 9 - 2011

We are delighted that the INTO magazine InTouch  featured our Something Fishy project which can be viewed here.

InTouch Magazine, September 2011


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