A snippet of a very productive September in 1st and 2nd class!
In September, 1st and 2nd class enjoyed listening to and reading the story “Roy, A Tale of a Singing Zebra” – a story about following your dreams, making friends and new adventures. We used the story as a stimulus for creating some Art. The boys and girls really enjoyed creating their zebra designs and experimenting with different shape patterns to create cool zebra stripes. The finished creations look great!
Did you know? Zebras are actually black with white stripes! Here is a link to some other fun and interesting facts about zebras.
We had great fun making Halloween Slime in First & Second Class today!
First we measured out 100ml of PVA glue and poured it into a bowl.
Then we mixed in a few drops of food colouring and some glitter.
Next we added some bicarbonate of soda
We mixed it well and added in some contact lenses solution to bring all the slime together
We worked the slime using our hands, pushing and pulling it together until it formed Slime that we could play with.
We had great fun seeing how far we could stretch our slime out!
Writing is a key part of language learning in primary school. Over the past number of weeks, some of the children from 2nd class -Logan Mark, Mason and Shay worked hard on creating, writing and sharing fun and imaginative stories.
Through this writing process project, the boys were able to focus on their spelling, grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, handwriting as well as their reading/presenting skills.
Well done boys, we hope you enjoy these stories.
“The Brave Giant” by Logan

“Monster Magic” by Mark

“The Flying Bear” by Mason

“Witch to the Rescue” by Shay

@Claremorris946 @jojo_hynes @creativeirl @artscouncil_ie
“For the next hour, we advise the whole country move to level Gortskehy”
As part of our Creative Schools initiative 3rd and 4th class were presented with the opportunity of creating a radio show. We worked very hard with Jojo Hynes, our creative associate and Claremorris Community Radio. We started by brainstorming ideas and began the creative process of putting radio pieces together. We learned how to make radio reports, how to present items for radio and how to structure an hour of radio. We covered everything from the news and weather to farming to the sports desk and everything else in between. We also included some seasonal pieces as it was being aired on Christmas Day 2020.
We would like to thank Jojo Hynes and Claremorris Community Radio for giving us the opportunity of a lifetime. We had great fun putting this together and we hope you enjoy ‘Gortskehy Radio’ as created by 3rd and 4th Class. We definitely have a few budding radio stars in our midst here in Gortskehy National School.

Gortskehy on Claremorris Community Radio 94.6 FM.