A snapshot of Maths Week 2024 in 1st & 2nd Class. Well done everyone, super effort!
To celebrate Maths Week 2023, 1st and 2nd class had a lot of fun on a Maths Trail around the school this afternoon. Despite the wet weather, it was great to get outdoors to highlight and learn how Maths surrounds us, even in the most unusual areas! In pairs, to facilitate independent learning and teamwork, the girls and boys were counting, measuring, recognising shapes and recording their findings. Great work, girls and boys.
We had great fun making Halloween Slime in First & Second Class today!
First we measured out 100ml of PVA glue and poured it into a bowl.
Then we mixed in a few drops of food colouring and some glitter.
Next we added some bicarbonate of soda
We mixed it well and added in some contact lenses solution to bring all the slime together
We worked the slime using our hands, pushing and pulling it together until it formed Slime that we could play with.
We had great fun seeing how far we could stretch our slime out!
We had a great week celebrating Maths Week in first, second and third class. We played maths games everyday at school. We learned lots of new games!
We went outside on Thursday to explore maths in the world around us. We worked in teams and completed a maths trail. The maths trail helped us to explore shapes, lines, numbers and length.
We had great fun!

Wendy Heaney