“We are fit, we are cool, we are Gortskehy National School”
We are very excited to be renewing our Active Flag this year here in Gortskehy. We launched our initiative on Friday, October 25th as we celebrated Halloween. We had a whole school active line assembly outdoors which was led by our active committee. We finished with a spooky Halloween parade!
Congratulations to Ruth, Laoise and Mia from 3rd and 4th class, for coming up with our catchy slogan!
We are focusing on movement breaks for November. Each class are committing to at least two movement breaks to re-energise, and re-focus throughout the day. We are excited for this.
We are endeavouring to keep our playground as active as possible this year and we are introducing Playground Marshalls to ensure everyone is moving!!
Watch this space as our active year unfolds!
Well done everyone.