From early education robots, to coding cards to basic programming, digital learning begins in the infant classes and is adapted each year in response to new digital technologies. This year, we joined with Science Foundation Ireland in UCD to introduce 3D printing to senior pupils. The pupils installed UltiMaker via Flatpak for Linux on their chromebooks and used Cura3D to design and print personalised keyrings on the school 3D printer. With the right tools and opportunities to share their learning, pupils stay motivated, excited and engaged as they embrace digital learning during their time in Gortskehy.
1st and 2nd class have been very busy bees learning all about the honey bee. Lucky for us here in 1st and 2nd class, we have a bee expert in our midst – Conor Jennings in 2nd class! Conor’s family have their own bee farm locally. We were delighted when Conor brought in some of his bee protection clothing, bee food, smoker and honey frame to present to the class. We learnt a lot from Conor about taking care of bees, the honey making process and and it was fantastic to see some of these items needed up close!
In SESE, we learnt some interesting facts about the honey bee, it’s life cycle and labelling different parts of the bee anatomy. We also learnt the importance of bees in helping to pollinate our flowers. Without bees, we wouldn’t have lots of delicious fruit and vegetables to eat! Later in Spring, we hope to plant some more bee-friendly plants in our school sensory garden.
In Art, the children created some beautiful crafts for display and they really brighten up our classroom. Well done everyone!