Gortskehy School Newsletter


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Parent Teacher Meetings

Parent-teacher meetings will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday the 20th and 21st of November. Some morning slots are also available Monday - Friday.
Please click here to view the online sign-up sheet. This is a free service. Pick your preferred time and click the 'Submit and Sign-Up' button at the bottom of the screen. If none of the times are convenient please contact your class teacher to make another appointment.


Christmas: Friday 21st December (half-day - 12pm) to Monday, January 7th 2019

Confirmation: Friday, March 15th @  12pm, Roundfort Church.

First Confession: Thursday, March 21st, Carras Church @ 7.00pm. 

First Holy Communion: Sunday, May 19th, Carras Church @ 11.30am



Swimming Classes

Swimming classes for pupils in 4th to 6th class will commence on Friday, November 7th at Claremorris swimming pool until December 14h (6 weeks). 
Classes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd classes will start on Wednesday February 20th, 2019 for 6 weeks.

Cost per pupil (including bus) - €48 payable in advance.  Please note that aerosol sprays are not permitted. Click here if you wish to pay online

For pupils in Junior and Senior Infants who take the bus home it will run at 1pm every Friday (or Wednesday) for the duration of the swimming lessons.

Healthy Eating Policy

This is a reminder that our Healthy Eating Policy aims to develop positive and responsible attitudes to eating and to appreciate the contribution that good food makes to good health. It does not allow chocolate bars, biscuits, confectionery icing or chocolate yogurts. Cereal bars are allowed under the policy. Occasional treats are given in the school at the teacher's discretion. Parents are reminded to please comply with the school's healthy eating policy when filling your child's lunchbox.

For the benefit of new entrant parents our experience with Frube yogurt shots (pictured opposite) especially in the Junior room is that they are difficult for children of that age to consume. More often than not the contents end up being squirted by accident on the uniform, desk or floor.

We would encourage parents to substitute these with any other form of yogurt. Thank you for your co-operation.

The Year of the Hiker

The Garrymore Drama Group present The Year of the Hiker by John B. Keane on Saturday, November 24th @ 8.00pm. Doors open at 7pm.

Proceeds are in aid of Gortskehy NS so your support would be greatly appreciated.

Tickets are available to purchase at:
Gortskehy NS
Garrymore Drama Group or Pat Hession (087 767 4556)
The Box Office Claremorris


After-school Homework Club

After-school care is available from 1.30 - 6.30pm including holidays. Supervised homework, play, activities & varied menu. Pay only for the hours used and monitor your hours online. The service can be used on an occasional basis - €4.50/hour for 1 child, €4 each per hour for 2 children, €3.50 each per hour for 3 children.

After-school Childcare Scheme (ASCS)
We are members of the ASCS scheme which provides subsidised after-school childcare places to people with children of primary school age who find employment, increase their employment or take up a place on an employment support scheme. Support is also available if your receive Family Income Supplement or have a medical card. Contact Olivia McDonagh or the school for more information.

  Scholastic Book Fair

This year our annual book fair took place from 8th - 15th October. A huge thank you to the parents, families and pupils who supported the book fair by purchasing their favourite books. At the end of the fair, our school is awarded a percentage of the revenue which in turn we use to purchase books and educational materials.

This year we hope to re-stock and update our classroom libraries from Junior - 2nd classes.

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