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Welcome to our October 2016 newsletter.     Visit our website

After-School Club

An After-School Club will be available for parents from Monday, October 7th when school resumes after the Halloween break.  The facility will be available daily from 1.30 to 6.30pm as required. It will be managed by Olivia McDonagh and Fiona Varley. Olivia is an experienced after-school manager with a Montessori Diploma, High Scope Childcare Certificate and Food/Hygiene certification. Fiona has a BA in Social Care Practice, Child Protection training and experience in the area of childcare provision. A weekly structured programme will be provided including a hot meal for pupils staying after 2.30pm. The completion of homework will also be supervised. The cost per hour (or part-hour) is €4.50 per pupil; €4 per child for 2 siblings and €3.50 per child for a family of 3 children. Further details available by contacting the school.    


The Official Opening of our new school extension and upgrade will take place on Friday, October 28th @ 1pm.  All welcome for refreshments afterwards. Thanks to everyone who supported our July Race Night in any way. An unbelievable €15,700 was raised which is a fantastic achievement.


European Space Agency Project

Our school has been invited to join a two-year science project based on the EXO Mars Rover programme. On October 12th teachers will travel from France, Italy, Croatia and Portugal for the launch of the project. We hope to provide a night of entertainment for them in Delia Murphy's on Friday, October 14th. Pupils from all classes have been practicing in school and are invited to perform for our visitors @ 8pm. Wearing a uniform isn't necessary and Jo Bange will provide entertainment afterwards. All welcome.



We are delighted to have been approved for a European-funded project entitled 'Learn and Play with ICT' (Information and Communications Technology). Teachers from Spain, Portugal, Croatia, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Lithuania will visit for the launch of the 3-year programme on October 28th. Children from all partner schools will carry out joint activities in the areas of geography, computers, history and art. Pupils are again invited to perform for our visitors in Tierney's, Foxhall on Friday, October 28th @ 8pm. Wearing a uniform isn't necessary and entertainment will be provided afterwards. All welcome.


Congratulations to Ms. Naughton on the birth of baby Joe. Wishing you and the family lots of wonderful moments together.


We are delighted to welcome Ms. McDonald and wish her the very best as fourth permanent teacher in our school. 

Meeting Room

One room in the school has been zoned separately for heat, hot water and alarm. It is available any time, including holidays, for use by the community. Contact the school if interested. 

Credit Union

We have a Credit Union Savers' Club at school. Claremorris Credit Union visit each fortnight (Thursday). New entrants are invited to join the club by returning the application form available from your class teacher. 

Important Dates

October 31st – November 4th, 2016: Mid-term break. Classes resume on Monday, November 7th.
December 22nd, 2016: School closes for Christmas holidays. Re-opens on Monday, January 9th.
February 23rd & 24th, 2017: Mid-term break.
March 16th (Thursday), 2017: Confirmation @ 12 noon in Roundfort Church.
March 17th (Friday), 2017: St. Patrick’s Day.
April 10th – April 21st, 2017 – Easter holidays. Classes resume on Monday, April 24th.
May 1st (Monday), 2017 – Public Holiday.
June 5th (Monday), 2017 – Public Holiday.
June 29th (Thursday), 2017 – Summer holidays.


This year, Claremorris Swimming Pool are just able to accommodate the number of pupils from Second to Sixth class. We have joined the South Mayo GAA school coaching programme and are delighted that Brendan Murphy visits the school each Friday during PE time for the development of ball skills. Pupils in First class will receive football coaching from Halloween to Christmas.

Book Rental and Insurance

The Book Rental and Insurance for 2016/17 is now due. The fee is €17 for infants, €27 for 1st/2nd class, €37 for 3rd/4th class and €47 for 5th/6th class. Many thanks for your continued support.

Learning Support

We are delighted to welcome Ms. Dooley as our Learning Support teacher. The role of the learning support teacher is to provide supplementary teaching to pupils of all abilities as the school sees fit. This can also involve team teaching which occurs when both the learning support and classroom teacher jointly deliver instruction to pupils in the same class. We are now a base school for Learning Support and Ms. Dooley will take two classes for English and/or Maths from Halloween onwards.

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