Back to School 2020

Posted by Isabel On October - 23 - 2020

I like being back at school because it brings some normality into the world. We also have class at Garrymore hall while the new classroom is being built in Gortskehy. This is good because we have the astroturf and when it’s raining we can play basketball. I like being back as well because I get to see all my friends after six long months of not seeing them. We also get to enjoy art like Halloween art, sugar skulls, skeletons and poems.

We drew illusions and also learned about different countries. We get to go on the chromebooks and do fun activities. We are also starting  back ukulele which is great fun. We also have two new teachers at the school Ms. McNieve and Ms. Connolly. It’s nearly Halloween so we are all excited and we are dressing up on Friday. Of course we are still social distancing and sanitising our hands. Hopefully we all stay safe.

My skeleton art My autumn art Isabel's sugar skull

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